Blueberry Muffins

I have been wanting to get my hands on some white whole wheat flour for quite awhile now.  Recently it (in the form of Gold Medal brand) has started showing up in the stores in my neck of the woods so I brought a bag home on my last shopping trip.  It isn’t exactly white and comparing it to regular whole wheat it does not look that much different.  However, it did seem to have a milder taste in the muffins.  I decided to bake up a batch of blueberry muffins since it was the weekend and it seemed like a nice change of pace from the buttermilk waffles I usually make.  Not to mention that blueberry muffins also make my husband extremely happy.  I have quite a few frozen blueberries hanging out in the freezer from last summer so that is what I used.  If you use frozen berries do no thaw them out or you will wind up coloring your batter a rather sickly shade of blue as you fold in the berries. Continue reading

Apple Muffins

This last week I’ve had a couple of apples forlornly staring at me every time I entered my kitchen.  They were a bit past peak and really needed to by used.  However, I just could not  decide how to use them up.  On Friday I was thumbing through my back issues of The Baking Sheet by King Arthur Flour and  lo and behold I found my answer.  I decided to make these just a bit healthier by using half whole wheat and half all-purpose flour and by substituting canola oil for the butter.  These are lightly sweet even with a little cinnamon sugar sprinkled on top.  If you would like the muffins a little sweeter add 1/2 cup of raisins.  Enjoy these for breakfast or a mid-afternoon snack. Continue reading